Friday 14 November 2008



Wat a GENIOUS invention! If you don't know it...
Well, I'm an addict!!

Me and PenisMcWenis both. Try our Nfortress Vent server


Port: 28046


Shrimp xxxxxxXxxxxxx

Wednesday 12 November 2008

A Sexual announcement

Yes, Gerald, i'm ill, very ill, i might not last the duration of the blog i know its sad.

So yes, i'm not at school, and i wasnt at school yesterday either, my throat is as hoarse as a horse. And it has led me to come back to you as i'm bored :( But it has made me notice, at school, what exactly do i and my chums do? At the moment im just getting a barrage of texts from a certain individual who i swear should be in a lesson, well? Whats your excuse huh?

Eitherway i dont care, Sanchez i cant lie to you anymore, i....i... DO not know what to write, so please bear with me a second while i go and find somthing interesting to write about.

I'm thinking about going video you know, perhaps, just for giggles, though i have seen somone i know do it, and i thought he looked like a tit, partially because he was taking it and himself very seriously, which obviously i wouldnt, i mean come on i'm writing on the internet to my self for christ sake a small part of me knows that hardly anyone reads these unless you spam the link.

Eitherway, yeah video, lets try that perhaps once a week? How about a sunday? Yeah sunday everyone loves sunday, actually no, i have changed it to saturday. The writing blog will still the same but with added extra POOF at the end of it.

Also, doddsy, i'm sorry to say, I agree with Dan, i read your blog and i try so hard, but I finding hardly entertaining at all :( Please pop a few jokes in so i can chortle, Also, i havnt almost finished L4D how can i? Its not even out yet! Eitherway doddsy, i still love you and you can proceed to rip me to shreds.

I feel like i'm pushing the boundries now, Dan started this spontaneous blog thing but its like i've come on to the scene and now i've revolutionised it by going video'ish. It Reminds me of the arms race pre WWI next dan will go " OMG IM GOING VIDEO!" And it will all go forwards, The future is here!

Anyway people I'm off to go chuck my nuts up through my throat.

Cheeriooo. Time to go Videooo!

Actually wait a pip, i just wanted to leave a picture to sum it all up but instead, i found some pictures that will make like a super thing, Bit liek a cartoon explaining my blog in short... HOW COOL IM REVOLUTIONISING THE REVOLUTION!.

Here we go;

Refering to my video blog...I'm only going to be doing it for....

And to dan who might be trying to take my Lulz Video idea...

And a pre Emptive response to doddsy's attack on me.

Well that is a healthy dose of Blog isnt it gerald? It's fucking huge! probably the biggest in the world! See! I'm so revolutionary today. I pray to god doddsy doesn't look at this.


Monday 10 November 2008

Here i go again!

Well its 10:15 and nearying my bed time! Wait what? My bedtime is at 6:15 GERALD LOOK WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!

Well what can i write, Gerald, i have no actual idea what to write about, i actually have a tonne i could write about, but it's private, sorry Gerald, so sorry, It's not you its me, it really is. Well at the moment there is a time team special on tele, talking about the british who dug under hte germans and made a big boom boom underneath the german trenches, Killing them thousands of germans almost instantly.

It got me thinking, those poor germans, had No idea what so ever about their impending doom, it makes you think you could die in the next 5 minitues, you might htink its unlikely, but you could! There could be british engineers underneath you setting up explosives to blow you up. So i suppose waht you should take from this Gerald, actually im going to call you sanchez for a bit now. Sanchez, take this, just like what you have got at the moment, because you might not have it forever. Otherwise.....

That might be the last thing you know, and yes that is the same crater, It used to be a ridge higher than the ground around it, my god us british are thourough arn't we?

Anyway Sanchez, Goodnight

Sunday 9 November 2008

I'm back baby

Ooh Baby Baby! Ooh Baby Baby!!
Miss me Gerald?
Bet you did!

The blog fell over before it even got running. And for that reason I have set out on the mammoth task or RESTARTING IT!

Seriously though, two weeks ago I had no ideas and now I have a SURPLUS of ideas (that means too many :D)

Tommorow's Blog: How Doddsy's Blog is SHIT!!!!!ONE!

Shrimpeh The Great x

Gerald? Gerald?

Where are you Gerald? Oh dear Gerald there you are! I have been searching for you for two weeks now.

I'm sorry i havn't written anything, I've been very busy you see, So today on this dreary sunday afternoon i decided, finally, i shall write somthing, here goes.

Well recently i have been engrossed in my computer games, 3 games have popped up since my last post, all killing one another to get my attention, these three are:

Far Cry 2
Fallout 3

In order of which came into my possession first.

Well? What can i say? Far Cry 2 i looked forward to with anticipation, but it has fallen short, it just seems repetitive and i don't know what im doing, it is infact quite a boring experience, sure you can set things on fire and it moves around, but there is no depth there, none at all, and therefore it is the game i have liked the least out of the three.

Fallout 3 is probably the one i wanted the most. And has gone above and beyond my expectations, and i'm sure i will grow to love it more, it, unlike farcry 2, has approached me giving me sweeties saying "BE MY FRIEND!" Far cry 2 was more like "Sup kid if you wanna role with me you gotta do this this and this BLAH" This is shown in the fact that i have clocked up 25 hours of fallout 3 having it only for a week, and only 8 hours on far cry 2 which i have had for 2 weeks.

Lastly but not least, L4D, i have early access to the demo, which is only two chapters of hte first level. Short obviously because its not the full game, but my god do i love it. The fact its mostly online means that i can play it over and over again with my mates, having got it yesterday i have clocked up 9.1 hours.

2 good games that are living over the expectations, then one arsehole of a game who decided that he was worth more than me, prick.

Anyway Gerald, i hope that explains why i havnt written anything.

Toodle Pip.

Friday 31 October 2008

Mario: Peado?

To me, this seems almost like a no brainer. He shows classic peadophile traits. Mustache, reclusive, doesn't talk much, always wears gloves... And surely by now him and Peach should have a kid? And why does he always hang out with that retard of brother?

Make up your own mind :)

Dan out.

Tuesday 28 October 2008

Bloody Parents evening...WHY!?!?!

Ok, so i find myself at this weird little brown blog box once again, typing away my thoughts, lets be honest its just a jazzy version of a diary, except everyone reads it like little nosey buggers. No no no! Don't click the red box with the cross in the corner of the window! I want you to read it, really i do. SO much infact anonymous reader you shall no longer be anonymous, you shall be known as Gerald. Or if you are female Geraldine. Or for either sex if your feeling adventurous Giles.

So Gerald/ine topic time! Parents evening, in 45 minitues i must go to parents evening. "Wait what!? You have children? I thought you were only a mere 16 years of age! You sex deviant you!" And to this i reply, No. I'm going to parents evening because i have to go with MY parents. Which defeats the object of the name "Parents evening". I mean its bad enough having the thought of having your parents being stared down and talking to a sex pest in a suit, but being there listening to what this sex pest has to say about you is even worse. Heres a picture to show what its like:

I'm sat between my two parents while a sex pest looks at them funny. I would much rather be playing computer games tonight with my chums, but sadly this is not so. Sorry nazi's i'll have to blow you up another time.

As for Deadset it was awesome but i will write about that next week.

Well, wish me luck Gerald/Geraldine/Giles/Sanchez. I'm off.

